Lawyer : Me Chantal ALANOU-FERNANDEZ
PONTOISE Detailed profile
Law firm :
Me Chantal ALANOU-FERNANDEZ 30, rue Pierre Butin - Pontoise 01 30 30 34 34
Ermont (95120)
4, rue des Templiers
The property and property rights entered in land registry section. AM n°511 55a 33ca
APARTMENT F3, understanding: entrance, kitchen, double stay, buanderie, room of shower, toilets, bathroom, two rooms, loggia. CAVE and BOX in the basement. Terms and conditions of sale available at the Registry of the Tribunal de Grande Instance in Pontoise and at the prosecuting lawyer
For more information, specifications and conditions is available at the Registry of the District Court or to the prosecuting counsel.
Property Location : unoccupied
Starting price : €100,000.00
Sale's informations : Need more information, advice, contact the appointed lawyer.