Lawyer :
BEZIERS Detailed profile
Nissan-lez-Enserune (34440)
19 rue Fernand Jaffus 6 rue de la Poste
The property and property rights entered in land registry section. A n°945 37ca, n°3096 90ca.
A HOUSE for residential use and a DISCOUNT to detach from a larger body about 42 m2. Terms and conditions of sale available at the Registry of the Tribunal de Grande Instance of Béziers and at the prosecuting lawyer
For more information, specifications and conditions is available at the Registry of the District Court or to the prosecuting counsel.
Starting price : €60,000.00
Avec faculté de baisse d'une première baisse puis d'une seconde baisse sur la second mise à prix
Sale's informations : Need more information, advice, contact the appointed lawyer.