Definition of important terms


act allowing to give a title-deed on a property or its furniture to the person making the highest bid.


Profesionnal organization of the lawyers. Each lawyer, in order to practise, must be registered at a Bar.

Land registry:

document giving the status of the landed property.

Sale conditions listing:

detailed act of the asset including all necessary information to conclude the sale.


signed commitment normaly issued by a financial company.

Certified cheque:

A certified cheque is a banker's draft or postal cheque the provision of which has been certified by the bank with a certificate. The correspondind funds are blocked during eight days for the beneficiary from the date of issue of the cheque. After this time the certification is no more valid and the cheque becomes again an ordinary one with risks of non-payment.

Mortgage registry:

listing of all the acts regarding the legal situation of a property.

Taxed charges:

fees of justice clerks fixed by decree


purchase offer higher to the proposed price for an adjudication.

Irresponsible bid:

in case of non-respect of the sale conditions, the purchaser is called « irresponsible bidder ». The object is then put up for sale, and if the previous bid is not reached the involved person must pay the difference.

Clerk of the Court's office:

all departments of the Court.

Sale by auction:

friendly of one lot held indivisum : sale by auction, in an amicable way or according to a judgment, of a succession property held indivisum.

Upset price:

starting price in a sale by auction.

Attachment of real property:

forced sale of a property, without the authorization of the owner, in order to repay the creditors.


must be declared within ten days following the first adjudication, it must be a least a tenth of the initial adjudication.