TOULOUSE Detailed profile
Law firm :
Cabinet DECKER & ASSOCIES 14 Rue A. Fourtanier - Toulouse 05 61 21 96 84
Revel (31250)
30, rue de Vaure
The property and property rights entered in land registry section. AB 198 (1 a 42 ca)
Consists of a building with a ground floor, two stories high, including: - Ground floor: commercial space (two rooms, a kitchen sitting area), this room is rented for a period of 9 years as of 02.01.2012. A duplex apartment and a second apartment.
For more information, specifications and conditions is available at the Registry of the District Court or to the prosecuting counsel.
Property Location : rented
Starting price : €70,000.00
Sale's informations : Need more information, advice, contact the appointed lawyer.