Lawyer : Florence ADAGAS-CAOU
DRAGUIGNAN Detailed profile
Law firm :
Cabinet de la SCP DUHAMEL ASSOCIES AARPI ADAGAS-CAOU & BALESTRI Avocats à 83300 DRAGUIGNAN 45, Bld Leclerc - Draguignan Website :
Draguignan (83300)
17 Place du Marché
The property and property rights entered in land registry section. AB n°1354
Les lots n°4 consistant en UNE PIECE (9,630 m²) sise au 2ème étage, porte gauche et n°5 consistant en UN APPARTEMENT (23,110 m²) sis au 2ème étage, porte droite.
For more information, specifications and conditions is available at the Registry of the District Court or to the prosecuting counsel.
Property Location : unoccupied
Starting price : €10,000.00
Sale's informations : Need more information, advice, contact the appointed lawyer.